Reflections on Personalised Learning at SBL

Usually, in education there is a great deal of confusion as to what personalisation really means when it comes to learning.
However, at SBL there is no lack of clarity nor lack of pedagogical understanding that could possibly allow ‘personalisation’ to become confused or somehow misinterpreted.
It is very clear to all of us at SBL that placing students in front of a laptop or device and asking them to access an online, adaptive tool at the same time is NOT personalised learning.

What is clear to us all is that there has to be a deep understanding of WHO our students are, of WHAT they need and of WHERE they wish to develop – in other words, our relationships with our students are vital to enabling a personalised approach to learning.
What is also very clear to us all is that we all, unfailingly, have the inherent desire to help them ALL succeed in WHICHEVER direction their learning journey takes them.

These factors are at the very heart of our personalised approach at our school.
Thus, a personalised learning approach at SBL encompasses an array of strategies that provide all students with what they need, when and where they need it to succeed.
This, of course, is counter to all students doing the same thing, the same way, at the same time during the majority of a lesson, especially during a task or activity.

For clarity, an impersonal approach is when all students are doing the same thing, the same way, at the same time.
While this can have merit in some circumstances – moderation is key – excessive use of a ‘one size fits all’ approach never works.
This approach always tends to focus on the ‘what’….and is content heavy and is, invariably, subject based.

On the other hand, the personalised learning at SBL ensures that all students get what they need, when and where they need it, through a personal experience.
There is also much clarity in terms of WHY they are learning what they are and how it will be used in the ‘real world’.

Personalised learning at SBL occurs in many different means – rotational models, choice activities, playlists, flipped lessons, and virtual study – to name but a few.
Personalisation at SBL is also achieved via means of a variety of strategies that have been around, in some form or another, for years, including differentiation, scaffolding, response to peer guidance, facilitator intervention and personal mentoring.

Simply stated, at SBL we are serious about ensuring that each and every student has a personalised learning journey.
Our way forward with this is to continue to make every effort as a school community to continue to share a vision that emphasises the quality of the relationships we have with who we serve – our future generation of thinkers, doers and achievers.

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