
Why Facilitators at SBL love our Holistic Online School

Khalil Gibran one’s wrote the following: 'Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with…

The School Beyond Limitations Maths Continuum

Can Maths be cool? Yes, it can! At SBL Have you been a maths lover at school? When I was at school, I learnt Maths predominantly from a textbook. I learnt many methods and procedures in order to simply get the answers right. Whenever I was…

The Power of Mindful Communication

Communication is one of the key pillars for the creation of strong, trustworthy, open and honest relationships. First and foremost it requires human beings to be mindful about the impact that each word, each gesture, each thought may have on…

Authenticity in education: The unique approach of SBL Facilitators

When I reflect on the times in my life when I have grown the most or had a ‘breakthrough’ experience, they have almost always happened because I was inspired in a profound way. Usually, I was inspired through the actions of someone that…

Global Projects at School Beyond Limitations

School Beyond Limitations aims to act globally as there is the understanding that we all make the difference: locally and globally. Each action, each thought, each reaction have an impact on the outer world. This learning approach leads towards…

Self-directed Learning for Students at School Beyond Limitations

Student-led learning at SBL, also known as learner-centred or self-directed learning, has clear advantages that are of enormous benefit to our students as opposed to a traditional learning model. Our students have a say in what and how they…

Student’s journey from SBL to the University of Oxford

Today I'd like to share with you the inspiring learning journey of our first graduate at School Beyond Limitations. About 3 years ago one of our students - at the time nearly 16 - dreamed of studying at the University of Oxford. In September…

How to nurture the gifts of each child?

One of the key reasons why I have designed and Katharina and I have created SBL was that I realised that in nearly any system students are categorised - whether with regards to their age or pre-given standards and that often the real call of…

How to grow entrepreneurial skills at school?

Standardised schooling does not take the importance of teaching entrepreneurship into account. It is all about memorizing facts in the respective subject areas - so that students get ready to undertake tests. Tests that shall prepare them for…

Well-being is THE key to unlocking your child’s full potential

A bright student who hated going to school for years, who lost her interest in her own passions that she loved to do as a child, who felt numb any time when she had to go back to her class started to disengage in the classroom context, became…