
School Beyond Limitations is More than a School

Empowering Students Holistically and Academically "Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." – Maya Angelou At School Beyond Limitations (SBL), we embrace this philosophy. Our mission is to support students…

Incremental Progress Builds a Foundation for Success

In the pursuit of our dreams, it’s natural to focus on the grand results we aim to achieve. However, the true essence of success lies in the journey itself. Each small step we take lays the groundwork for greatness, shaping the path toward…

From fear to freedom: The gratitude mindset

Gratitude: The Mother of All Virtues “Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues but also the mother of them all.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero When exploring the lives of many successful individuals, one finds a common thread: gratitude.…

Developing Emotional Intelligence Through a Growth Mindset

At School Beyond Limitations, we view reality through the lens of a growth mindset. We firmly believe that intelligence and abilities can grow through hard work, effort, and dedication. Growth Mindset: A Path to Resilience A growth mindset…

The Four Types of Intelligence

Educational psychologists have made a significant discovery in recent years. They have identified an additional type of intelligence, expanding the traditional three acknowledged types. These types are: Intelligence Quotient (IQ): This…

Reflection – A Key Habit at School Beyond Limitations

  John Dewey once said, “We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.” This article speaks to both SBL students and facilitators. Together, we form a dynamic, learning-focused community committed to…

The 10 Most Important Soft Skills for Success in 2025

The 10 Most Important ‘Soft Skills’ Needed for Success in 2025 According to the latest market research carried out across western Europe and the United States, the workplace - be it Price Waterhouse Cooper, Google, Apple or indeed all of…

How Students Benefit from School Beyond Limitations’ Approach to Learning

At School Beyond Limitations (SBL), we employ inquiry-based learning and a constructivist approach, both of which emphasize active engagement, critical thinking, and student-driven knowledge construction. These methods lead to a more dynamic,…

The value of giving

‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ This quote by Winston Churchill reflects our mission at School Beyond Limitations. Is it true that giving makes us feel happier, more excited, and more valued? Many…

The value of giving

‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’, is a quote by Winston Churchill that we aim to go for at School Beyond Limitations. Is it true that giving makes us feel happier, more excited and more valued? Lots…