Entries by Martina

The value of giving

‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’, is a quote by Winston Churchill that we aim to go for at School Beyond Limitations. Is it true that giving makes us feel happier, more excited and more valued? Lots of empirical studies seem to emphasise this […]


Empowering Learners: SBL’s Innovative Approach to Education

How does School Beyond Limitations combine their approach to learning with international examination requirements? All facilitators at School Beyond Limitations work hard to create a balanced and effective learning environment that supports and facilitates their students to discover their unique personal essence while at the same time striving for international education qualifications that are globally […]


Giving up is never an option

A few years ago, a former student of mine reached out to me because he was going through a difficult time in his life. He said: “I’ve been thinking for a long time whether to call you or not. I need your help!” He was desperate because he lost his job and started to question […]


Empowering Students to Navigate Emotions

Nurturing Emotional Well-Being: How School Beyond Limitations Empowers Students to Navigate Their Emotions As mentioned on previous occasions, it is known, and we witness over and over again, that in today’s fast-paced and often overwhelming world, students face a myriad of emotions on a daily basis. From the excitement of achievements to the stress of […]


Nature’s Classroom: Where Learning Meets Excitement

School Beyond Limitations organises three residential weeks throughout the school year. One of the main foci of these experiences is to show students how much we can learn from nature and how exciting nature and being engaged in outdoors activities can be. Free, structured and unstructured outdoor play boosts problem-solving skills, focus and self-discipline.

Attitude makes the difference

Winston Churchill once said: ‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference’. Only a few days ago one of our students approached me by saying: ‘Martina, I have understood a very important lesson: In order to improve and to make steps ahead I need to give my best. I need to commit to […]

Being an educator of a teenager at School Beyond Limitations

Being a teenager in today’s ‘onlife’ society is, perhaps, more challenging as it used to be when we grew up. At School Beyond Limitations we are mindful about this delicate phase in a person’s life and that’s why we constantly seek to strengthen the collaboration between all stakeholders: students, parents and facilitators alike. The purpose […]

Reflections on Personalised Learning at SBL

Usually, in education there is a great deal of confusion as to what personalisation really means when it comes to learning. However, at SBL there is no lack of clarity nor lack of pedagogical understanding that could possibly allow ‘personalisation’ to become confused or somehow misinterpreted. It is very clear to all of us at […]

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What do parents say about School Beyond Limitations?

School Beyond Limitations offers a different learning approach. It is the first international online school that takes each student to their personal destination by including all aspects that are relevant in the learning process: emotional, social, academic, entrepreneurial and – last but not least – individual differences. Parents who trust the process and support our […]

Transformative Education: Collaboration is Key

Collaboration is one of those words which is employed regularly in organisations without much thought given to its true meaning. This is not the case at SBL. It was during an SBL teacher training session that I had a “lightbulb” moment about what true collaboration really means. It is not simply a willingness to network […]